The story begins about life in the kingdom under the rule of King Ox Jenggala Amiluhur, who has sons of men named Raden Panji Inukertopati, or better known as Raden Panji Asmara Bangun. He is predicted to succeed him as king. Because it was not ready, Raden Panji left the palace to forge science and Doyok accompanied Bancak as caregivers .
On the way Hamlet Dadapan, he met a widow named mBok Randha Dadapan. Raden Panji was appointed as a child. In place of Raden Panji pseudonym Ande Ande Lumut. While Bancak and Doyok also renamed Jodes and Prasonto .
Because of his hansen, many village girl who wants to be his wife estimate provos Ande - Ande Lumut. Even Galuh Candra Kirana, daughter of the King of Kediri King Amijaya also fall in love. That said, Galuh Candra Kirana gets dream of the Gods, that he was her soul mate. He also asked his father to look up a man named Panji Asmara. Because the King is not pleased, blurred princess looking for her dream idol of the heart in it. Long story short, Candra Kirana Galuh met with mBok Randha Tulakan already possessed four girls. Once adopted, the name was changed into Kleting Yellow appropriate clothes.
Process saying love ceremony Ande Ande Lumut began four children mBok Rondo Tulakan, namely Kleting brother, Kleting Ijo, Kleting Kleting Blue and Purple . Unfortunately, in order to get there to cross the river guarded Yuyu Kangkang. To cross the river they have to want to be kissed by Yuyu Kangkang first. Yellow Kleting only capable against Yuyu Kangkang thanks giving heirloom Kiai Sada Lanang Gods. He met Ande - Ande Lumut still in a state of purity. Unite the couple and returned to Jenggala .
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